Piercings that are placed between the nose and upper lip are called Medusa piercings. Usually a plug is inserted, but in some cases can also be rings.
The Medusa piercings are engraved directly into the crease between the upper lip and nose. The healing process takes about five weeks. The plug that is used for this purpose is spherical in shape and inside a tile. It is important to ensure that the piercing is placed properly because it may cause damage to the gums. Since there are a lot of nerve, at the point between the lip and nose, an anesthetic is recommended. Rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic solution prevents inflammation and should be performed regularly, several days in a row. The avoidance of smoking and alcohol is recommended after the piercing.
Before the piercing is engraved on the upper lip, the area must first be disinfected. Then the spot is marked to be pierced. Using pliers, the upper lip are pulled forward so that the needle can penetrate through the skin. Usually a straight connector is used, some wear Medusa piercings but also a ring. However, a ring requires a different angle than a straight plug, thus it must be decided beforehand which one is preferred by the person, a plug or ring. A straight connector that is used in the casting channel of a ring may be wrong. Therefore, good consideration should be given on which piece of jewelry is used before the jump. So that the teeth and gums are not damaged much, plugs for Medusa piercings are of a softer material than other piercing plug. Since the jump is an intervention, there may arise side effects. With good care problems, this occurs relatively rare.
Directly after piercing the lip swells for several days. For this reason, a slightly longer connector is used in the beginning. After the swelling it should be replaced by a shorter one. The name comes from the goddess Medusa, who was originally well favored by the gods, until she fell out of favor and was turned into a monster with hair of snakes and fiery eyes. In the representations of the Medusa, the focus is mainly on her mouth. This was very big and filled with sharp teeth. After the myth, the Medusa was so terrible that people who looked at them where turned to stone.
Piercings around the mouth in many cultures have long been a part of history. They were originally used to deter enemies, but are now done for beauty enhancement. Today, sparkling stones or rings are widely used as eye-catching.
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